Nature Reviews Drug Discovery cover features article co-authored by Paul Burke and MIT’s Langer
London, England, September 1, 2014

The September issue of Nature Reviews Drug Delivery features a comprehensive review entitled “Formulation and novel delivery strategies for biopharmaceutical drugs,” co-authored by Burke Bioventures’ Principal, Paul Burke. The author list includes two well-known academic investigators, Prof. Samir Mitragotri of University of California, Santa Barbara, and Prof. Robert Langer of MIT. The piece is featured on the issue cover. Nature Reviews Drug Discovery is a monthly journal aimed at industrial and academic professionals working in drug discovery and development. The journal publishes reviews and perspectives of the highest quality, covering the entire field. Nature Reviews Drug Discovery the number one journal in ISI category: “Pharmacology and Pharmacy”, with a 2013 impact factor of 37.231, according to the ISI Journal Citation Reports. Copies may be obtained directly from the journal website, available here.